Lecture 1: Pricing Interest Derivatives
A Simple Binomial Interest Option Pricing Program

Philip H. Dybvig
Washington University
Saint Louis, Missouri

Copyright © Philip H. Dybvig 1996

Some Simple Interest Derivatives

Some Complex Interest Derivatives

Why Not Simply Use Black-Scholes?

A very clever (or lucky) application of Black-Scholes may give a reasonable approximation, but it is simpler and more reliable to price a claim directly with a model designed to price interest derivatives.

Binomial Pricing of Interest Derivatives

   |- r + delta
r -|
|- r - delta

We choose delta = sigma * sqrt(Delta t).

The interest rate is not an asset! Therefore, we can't use the formula from the previous lecture to compute the risk-neutral probabilities or state prices. There are several approaches:

A Random Walk or Modest Mean Reversion

We choose the risk-neutral probabilities to induce a modest amount of mean reversion, say 12 or 15% per year. If we want

E[Delta r]=k(r*-r)Delta t,


pi*_u delta+(1-pi*_u)(-delta)=k(r*-r) Delta t


pi*_u=(1/2)+(k(r^*-r)Delta t)/2 delta.

A random walk (good for short maturities and non-critical applications) corresponds to k=0.

Another issue: use uneven spacing to make interest rate volatility a function of the interest rate. Fudge factors can fit today's yield curve. Stochastic volatility and additional factors are harder.

Two Observations

About Timing The short riskless rate is known at the beginning of the period, so the riskless rate we learn now affects the riskless return (and therefore the discounting) over the time period starting now. Therefore, the pricing of a riskless bond involves computations using interest rates up until one period before maturity.

About Intermediate Cash Flows When a claim includes intermediate cash flows (as for a coupon bond or a cap), the claim is simply added in at the appropriate time. For example, if V indicates the ex-cashflow value and C the cashflow, we have, at some node at time t, V(t,r)=(pi*_u(V(t,r+delta)+C(t,r+delta))+pi*_d(V(t,r-delta)+ C(t,r-delta)))/(1+r)

In-class Exercise: Bond Prices

Consider a two-period binomial model. The short riskless interest rate starts at 20% and moves up or down by 10% each period (i.e., up to 30% or down to 10% at the first change). The risk neutral probability of each of the two states is 1/2. What is the price (after the coupon is paid) at each node of a discount bond with face value of $100 maturing two periods from the start? (Hint: solve back one period at a time. Be sure to use the appropriate discount factor at each node!) What is the price at each node of a bond with a face value of $100 and a coupon of 10% per period?

In-Class Exercise: Bond Option Evaluation

For the coupon bond in the previous In-Class Exercise, compute the initial value of a European call option on the coupon bond. The call option matures in the middle period and has an exercise price of $90. (Exercise of the option does not give you a claim to the coupon in the middle period.)

The Header File cap.h

// cap.h
// Fixed-income binomial option pricing include file
#define MAXTERNODES 200
class f_i_bin {
  f_i_bin(double ttm=.25,int npers=4,double sigma=.02,
    double rrbar=.07,double k=.125);
  double bprice(double r0);
  double cap(double level,double r0);
  int nper;
  double tinc,up,down,sig,rbar,kappa,prfact;

The Test File

// Fixed income binomial option pricing model: test
#include <iostream.h>
#include "cap.h"
main() {
  f_i_bin c2;
  double caprate,rzero;
  cout << "\nType the cap rate, a space, the initial"
    << " rate, and then ENTER." << "\n"
    << "Make the cap rate negative to terminate." << "\n\n";
  cout << "State rates in percent per annum (without the "
    << "percent sign).\n\n";
  while(1) {
    cout << "cap-rate initial-rate: ";
    cin >> caprate >> rzero;
    if(!cin) {
      cout << "\nError: expected cap-rate initial-rate\n"
        << "Terminating\n" << endl;
    if(caprate<0.0) {
      cout << endl;
    cout << "cap value = " << c2.cap(caprate/100.0,rzero/100.0)
      << "\n\n";}}

The Implementation File Part 1

// Fixed-income binomial option pricing engine
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include "cap.h"
#define MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))

The Implementation File Part 2

f_i_bin::f_i_bin(double ttm,int npers,double sigma,double rrbar,double k) {
  tinc = ttm/(double) nper;
  sig = sigma;
  up = sigma*sqrt(tinc);
  rbar = rrbar;
  kappa = k;
  prfact = kappa*sqrt(tinc)/(2.0*sig);}

The Implementation File Part 3

double f_i_bin::bprice(double r0) {
  int i,j;
  double prup;
//initialize terminal payoffs
//i is the number of up moves
  for(i=0;i<=nper;i++) {
//  r[i] = r0 + up * (double)(2*i-nper);   not needed for this claim
    val[i] = 1.0;}
//compute prices back through the tree
//j is the number of periods from the end
//i is the number of up moves from the start
  for(j=1;j<=nper;j++) {for(i=0;i<=nper-j;i++) {
      r[i] = r0 + up * (double) (2*i-nper + j);
      prup = 0.5 + prfact*(rbar-r[i]);
      prup = MIN(1.0,MAX(0.0,prup));
      val[i] = (prup*val[i+1]+(1.0-prup)*val[i])*exp(-r[i]*tinc);}}

The Implementation File Part 4

double f_i_bin::cap(double level,double r0) {
  int i,j;
  double prup;
//initialize terminal payoffs
//i is the number of up moves
  for(i=0;i<=nper;i++) {
//  r[i] = r0 + up * (double)(2*i-nper);   not needed for this claim
    val[i] = 0.0;}
//compute prices back through the tree
//j is the number of periods from the end
//i is the number of up moves from the start
  for(j=1;j<=nper;j++) {for(i=0;i<=nper-j;i++) {
      r[i] = r0 + up * (double) (2*i-nper + j);
      prup = 0.5 + prfact*(rbar-r[i]);
      prup = MIN(1.0,MAX(0.0,prup));
      val[i] = (prup*val[i+1]+(1.0-prup)*val[i])*exp(-r[i]*tinc)
        + MAX(0.0,(r[i]-level)*tinc);}}