Scenario You are working in the treasury of a large corporation. One responsibility of your group is oversight of the company's pension fund, which is currently 50-50 in equities and fixed income. Your analysis will use a simulation to assess the asset mix and consider some alternative strategies.
Action You will be given an existing program that performs a simple simulation and plots the results. You will adapt the program to evaluate different candidate strategies.
Concept Simulation is a powerful tool for analyzing portfolio strategies. This Homework gives a realistic analysis of a serious practical problem faced in practice.
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Asset Allocation Simulation</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <APPLET CODE=AssetAlloc.class WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=50> </APPLET> </BODY> </HTML>Exhibit B: Asset Allocation Applet file
// // Asset Allocation Applet // // This applet simulates asset allocation between risky and riskless // assets. The horizon is fixed at 10 years and initial wealth is // normalized to be 100. The interest rate is constant and stock // returns are i.i.d. over time. // import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; public class AssetAlloc extends Applet { ValuePlotFrame valuePlotFrame; Button startASimu; public AssetAlloc() { setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1)); add(startASimu = new Button("Start a Simulation")); valuePlotFrame = new ValuePlotFrame(); valuePlotFrame.setTitle("Asset Allocation Simulation"); valuePlotFrame.pack(); valuePlotFrame.resize(500,400);} public boolean action(Event e, Object arg) { if( == startASimu) { valuePlotFrame.reset(); return true;} return false;}} class ValuePlotFrame extends Frame { BasicLinePlot blp; TextField r,mu,sigma,inrisky; Button newRandomDraws,resetInputs; double ttm = 10.0,ir; double[] times,values; int nper = 1200; int i; AssetAllocEngine vroom; double[] xgrid,ygrid; public ValuePlotFrame() { setLayout(new BorderLayout()); blp = new BasicLinePlot(); add("Center",blp); Panel inputs = new Panel(); inputs.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,2)); inputs.add(new Label("interest rate (%/yr)")); inputs.add(r = new TextField("5",10)); inputs.add(new Label("mean stock return (%/yr)")); inputs.add(mu = new TextField("15",10)); inputs.add(new Label("std dev of stock return (%/yr)")); inputs.add(sigma = new TextField("30",10)); inputs.add(new Label("allocation to risky asset (%)")); inputs.add(inrisky = new TextField("70",10)); inputs.add(newRandomDraws = new Button("Simulate again")); inputs.add(new Label("")); inputs.add(resetInputs = new Button("Reset and simulate again")); add("South",inputs); vroom = new AssetAllocEngine(nper); times = new double[nper + 1]; for(i=0;i<=nper;i++) times[i] = ((double) i) * ttm / ((double) nper); xgrid = new double[6]; for(i=0;i<6;i++) xgrid[i] = ((double) i) * 2.0; ygrid = new double[6]; for(i=0;i<6;i++) ygrid[i] = ((double) i) * 100.0;} public void startSimu() { vroom.newPars(text2double(r)/100.0, text2double(mu)/100.0,text2double(sigma)/100.0,ttm); ir = text2double(inrisky)/100.0; values = vroom.fixProps(ir,ir * 100.0,(1.0-ir)*100.0); blp.newXY(times,values,xgrid,ygrid, "Simulated Wealth, Fixed Proportions Startegy: 0-10 years out"); show();} public void reset() { r.setText("5"); mu.setText("15"); sigma.setText("30"); inrisky.setText("70"); startSimu();} public boolean action(Event e, Object arg) { if( == newRandomDraws) { startSimu(); return true;} if( == resetInputs) { reset(); return true;} return false;} public boolean handleEvent(Event event) { if( == Event.WINDOW_DESTROY) { dispose();} return super.handleEvent(event);} double text2double(TextField tf) { return Double.valueOf(tf.getText()).doubleValue();}} class AssetAllocEngine { int nper; double tinc,r1per,mean1per,std1persqrt12; double[] values; public AssetAllocEngine(int nper) { values = new double[nper+1]; this.nper = nper;} public void newPars(double r,double mu,double sigma,double ttm) { tinc = ttm/((double) nper); r1per = 1.0 + r * tinc; mean1per = 1.0 + mu * tinc; std1persqrt12 = sigma * Math.sqrt(12.0 * tinc);} public double[] fixProps(double inrisky,double initstock, double initcash) { double stock,cash,wealth,stockret; int i; stock = initstock; cash = initcash; for(i=1,values[0]=stock + cash;i<=nper;i++) { wealth = stock + cash; stock = wealth * inrisky; cash = wealth - stock; stockret = stockTotRet(); stock *= stockret; cash *= r1per; values[i] = cash + stock;} return values;} double stockTotRet() { return mean1per + std1persqrt12 * (Math.random()-0.5);}}Exhibit C: Line Plot program file
import java.awt.*; public class BasicLinePlot extends Canvas { double[] x,y,xgrid,ygrid; int i,nper; int ixleft,ixright,iytop,iybottom,ih,iw,ihalftic,iRise,fmHeight; double xleft,xright,ytop,ybottom; double lmarg = 0.10,rmarg = 0.05,tmarg = 0.10,bmarg = 0.10,halftic = 0.0035; double ixintercept,ixslope,iyintercept,iyslope; String thingy; public BasicLinePlot() {} String mainTitle; public void newXY(double[] x,double[] y,double[] xgrid,double[] ygrid, String mainTitle) { if(x.length != y.length) { System.err.println("Error: x and y must have the same length"); System.exit(-1);} this.x = new double[x.length]; this.y = new double[x.length]; for(i=0;i<x.length;i++) { this.x[i] = x[i]; this.y[i] = y[i];} this.xgrid = new double[xgrid.length]; this.ygrid = new double[ygrid.length]; for(i=0;i<xgrid.length;i++) this.xgrid[i] = xgrid[i]; for(i=0;i<ygrid.length;i++) this.ygrid[i] = ygrid[i]; this.mainTitle = mainTitle; repaint();} public void paint(Graphics g) { if(xgrid != null) { xleft = xgrid[0]; xright = xgrid[xgrid.length - 1]; ybottom = ygrid[0]; ytop = ygrid[ygrid.length - 1]; Rectangle r = bounds(); ih = r.height; iw = r.width; iytop = (int) (tmarg * ((double) ih)); iybottom = (int) ((1.0-bmarg) * ((double) ih)); ixleft = (int) (lmarg * ((double) iw)); ixright = (int) ((1.0-rmarg) * ((double) iw)); ihalftic = (int) (halftic * ((double) iw)); ixslope = ((double) (ixright - ixleft))/(xright - xleft); ixintercept = 0.5 + (((double) ixright) * xleft - ((double) ixleft) * xright) /(xleft - xright); iyslope = ((double) (iybottom - iytop))/(ybottom - ytop); iyintercept = 0.5 + (((double) iybottom) * ytop - ((double) iytop) * ybottom)/(ytop - ybottom); // // white background // g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect(0,0,iw,ih); // // draw the axes // g.setColor(; g.drawLine(ixleft,iytop,ixleft,iybottom); g.drawLine(ixleft,iybottom,ixright,iybottom); // // add tick marks // g.setColor(; for(i=0;i<ygrid.length;i++) g.drawLine(ixleft-ihalftic,y2iy(ygrid[i]), ixleft+ihalftic,y2iy(ygrid[i])); for(i=0;i<xgrid.length;i++) g.drawLine(x2ix(xgrid[i]),iybottom-ihalftic, x2ix(xgrid[i]),iybottom+ihalftic); // // add axis numbers // g.setColor(; FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); iRise = fm.getAscent()/2; fmHeight = fm.getHeight(); for(i=0;i<ygrid.length;i++) { thingy = Double.toString(ygrid[i]); g.drawString(thingy,ixleft - ihalftic -fm.stringWidth(thingy), y2iy(ygrid[i]) + iRise);} for(i=0;i<xgrid.length;i++) { thingy = Double.toString(xgrid[i]); g.drawString(thingy,x2ix(xgrid[i]) - fm.stringWidth(thingy)/2, iybottom + ihalftic + fmHeight);} // // plot lines // g.setColor(; for(i=1;i<x.length;i++) g.drawLine(x2ix(x[i-1]),y2iy(y[i-1]), x2ix(x[i]),y2iy(y[i])); // // add the mainTitle // g.drawString(mainTitle,(ixright + ixleft)/2 - fm.stringWidth(mainTitle)/2,fmHeight);}} int x2ix(double x) {return (int) Math.floor(ixintercept + ixslope * x);} int y2iy(double y) {return (int) Math.floor(iyintercept + iyslope * y);}}